If u= x2 y2 and x= t2 1, y= 3sinˇt du dt = @u @x dx dt @u @y dy dt = 2x2t 2y3ˇcosˇt = 4xt 6ˇycosˇt = 4 t2 1 t 6ˇ(3sinˇt)cosˇt = 4t3 4t 18ˇsinˇtcosˇt 342 Partials of f (x;y) where x and y are functions of two variables s and t We can use the same tree structure as∇2f(x,y,z) = 02∇(xy z)·∇(x−2z) = 2(ij k)·(i−2k) = 2(10−2) = −2 This example may be checked by expanding (x y z)(x − 2z) and directly calculating the Laplacian Exercise 4 Use this rule to calculate the Laplacian of the scalar fields given(a) Find the Jacobian ∂(x,y) ∂(u,v) of the transformaion Solution ∂(x,y) ∂(u,v) = ∂x ∂u ∂x ∂v ∂y ∂u ∂y ∂v = 1 v − u 2 0 1 = 1 v (b) Let R be the region in the first quadrant bounded by the lines y = x, y = 2x and the hyperbolas xy = 1, xy = 2 Sketch the region S in the uvplane corresponding to R
U-v=(x-y)(x^2 4xy y^2)
U-v=(x-y)(x^2 4xy y^2)-求函数f(x,y)=4xyx^2y^2的极值。过程和答案 等式xy=√(xy)^2( )中的括号应 6;APPM 4360/5360 Homework #2 Solutions Spring 16 Problem #1 (10 points) Verifyif thefunction f (x,y)=sinx coshy i cosx sinhy satisfies the CauchyRiemann conditions If it does, find the associated analyticfunction f (z) Solution Let f (x,y)=u(x,y)iv(x,y)where u and v arereal

Therefore fxy = fyx a = 2 By inspection, 2 2 ⇔ one sees that if a = 2, f(x,y) = x y 3xy is a function with the given fx and fy 2A5We do this by noting that v = 2 x − 2 y = − u ′ / u, so y = − x 2 u ′ / (2 u) Since u ′ = 2 A x 4 B x 3 = 2 x ( A 2 B x 2 ) , the general solution is − x 2 ( 2 x ( A 2 B x 2 ) ) 2 ( x 2 ( A B x 2 ) )5(6pts) Let Dbe the region in the rst quadrant of the xyplane bounded by the line y= x 2 and the parabola x= y2Let Sbe the solid under the plane z= xand above the region
Calculus Calculus questions and answers Use the Chain Rule to find the indicated partial derivatives R = ln (u2 v2 w2), u = x 5y, v = 7x − y, w = 4xy;Given that x=1√2√3 and y=1√2√3 x=1√2√3 and y=1√2√3 then the value of (x^24xyy^2) / (xy) x = y = x^2 = 4xy = y^2 = xy = (x^24xyy^2) / (xy) =2 2 2 f z x y i 2 2 0 u x y v 2 2 , 0 u x v x x 2 , 0 u y v y y 2 , 0 The CR equation u v x y andu v y x are not satisfied at points other than z = 0 Therefore f z is not analytic at points other than z 0 But a function can not be analytic at a single point only
A steady incompressible flow field is given by u = 2x 2 y 2 and v = 4xy The convective acceleration, along x direction at point (1, 2) is This question was previously asked in ESE Mechanical 15 Paper 1 Official Paper Download PDF Attempt OnlineFound a factorization (x y)•(x 5y) 33 Rewrite (x5y) as (1) • (x5y) Canceling Out 34 Cancel out (x5y) which now appears on both sides of the fraction line Step 4 Pulling out like terms 41 Pull out like factors x 2y = 1 • (x 2y) Final result x 2y ——————— x yFy = −sin(x2 y), fyx = −cos(x2 y)2x d) both sides are f0 (x)g 0 (y) 2 (fx)y = ax6y, (fy)x = 2x6y;

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Solution Let F(xy z2, x y z) = 0 be F(u, v) = 0 (1) where u = xy z2 and v = x y z (2) Partial Differential Equations 677 Clearly F(u, v) = 0 is an implicit relation, so that(3) ∇2(uv) = ∇2u∇2v, ∇2(cu) = c(∇2u), for any two twice differentiable functions u(x,y) and v(x,y) and any constant c Definition A function w(x,y) which has continuous second partial derivatives and solves Laplace's equation (1) is called a harmonicfunction In the sequel, we will use the Greek letters φ and ψ to denoteTranscribed image text Consider the equation (5x^2 y 6x^3 y^2 4xy^2)dx (2x^3 3x^4 y 3x^2 y) dy = 0 (a) Show that the equation is not exact (b) Multiply the equation by x^n y^m and determine values for n and m that make the resulting equation exact


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∂R ∂x , ∂R ∂y when x = y = 1 ∂R ∂x = ∂R ∂y = Question Use the Chain Rule to find the indicated partial derivatives R = ln (u2 v2 w2), u = x 5y, v = 7x − y, w = 4xy;\\ ∴x^2y^2= \sqrt{u^2v^2 } $ Substituting this value in equation (vii), $ (\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial x})^2 (\dfrac{\partial z}{\partial y})^2 \;=\;(x y)2 (x y)3 (x y)2 (x y)3 c) fx = −2xsin(x2 y), fxy = (fx)y = −2xcos(x2 y);

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X(x,y) = v y(x,y) and u y(x,y) = −v x(x,y) From the first we have v y(x,y) = 3x2 −3y2, from which it follows that v(x,y) = 3x2y −y3 ϕ(x) for some function ϕ of x It now follows from the second equation that −6xy = −v x(x,y) = −(6xy ϕ0(x)), and so ϕ0(x) = 0 Hence for any real number c, the function v(x,y) = 3x2y −y3 c is a harmonic conjugate of u 3Section 145 (3/23/08) Directional derivatives and gradient vectors Overview The partial derivatives fx(x0,y0) and fy(x0,y0) are the rates of change of z = f(x,y) at (x0,y0) in the positive x and ydirectionsRates of change in other directions are given by directionalFor any region Rof 2D space P((X;Y) 2R) = Z Z R fXY(x;y) dxdy For when the rv's are continuous 16 Example Movement of a particle An article describes a model for the movement of a particle Assume that a particle moves within the region Abounded by the x

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2 x u y v 2 y) = 4(u2 x v 2 x) = 4 jf0(z) j2 Now we describe MilneThomson method for constructing analytic functions when the real or imaginary component is known and hence nding harmonic conjugates MilneThomson Method To discuss the method we use the result \If a function f(z) is analytic in a domain thenAnswer to Use chain rule to find dz/dt when z = x^2 4xy y^2 \\;and\\;Algebra Factor x^24xy4y^2 x2 4xy 4y2 x 2 4 x y 4 y 2 Rewrite 4y2 4 y 2 as (2y)2 ( 2 y) 2 x2 4xy(2y)2 x 2 4 x y ( 2 y) 2 Check that the middle term is two times the product of the numbers being squared in the first term and third term 4xy = 2 ⋅x⋅(2y) 4 x y = 2 ⋅ x ⋅ ( 2 y) Rewrite the polynomial

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U(x;y) = 2 3x y x2 y2 4xy Show that uis harmonic and determine the harmonic conjugate v(x;y) satisfying v(0;0) = 0 For this function uand for the harmonic conjugate vjust determined express the function f(z) = u(x;y) iv(x;y) in terms of zonly v y = u x = 3 x 2 2 y − 4 y 2 and after integration v ( x, y) = 3 x 2 y y 2 − ( 4 / 3) y 3 β ( X) and after trying to solve for β I found it equal to β = x 2 y − x 2 and after applying it to the v ( x, y) = 4 x 2 y 2 = ( 4 / 3) y 3 − x 2 which in obviously is not applying CR equations if we want to prove the solution2 2 3 3 2 2 3 x v xy y x x y y u = − − = − Show that these functions represent a possible case of an irrotational flow SOLUTION The functions given satisfy the continuity equation (Equ 63), for their partial derivatives are xy x u = − 2 2 ∂ ∂ and = − 2 2


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